Barangay Camp Three was made a new Barrio from mother Barrio Camp Four upon approval of Municipal Council Resolution No. 105, dated July 15, 1960 of Tuba Benguet, recommending favorable consideration on the petition of the residents of Camp Three and adjoining sitios of Bu-o, Mangga, Agpay, Liang, Alapang, Torre, Pelpel, Katkatbal, Teytey, Kimmabab, Bowa, Antamok, Balayan, Padcal Philex and Ducot.
Barangay Camp Three is located at the South eastern portion of the municipality. It is bounded on the North by barangay Twin Peaks & Camp Four, on the west by Barangay Twin Peaks, on the East by the municipality of Itogon and on the South by Barangay Camp One. This barangay has a total land area of 4,322.74 hectares or 7.07% of the total land area of Tuba with a total population of 10, 413 and 2,444 households based on the 2010 national census. It is presently composed of thirty (30) Puroks namely: Purok 1-Kaipilan, Monumento, Bu-o, Salat, Balding, Tokok and Kiangan Village; Purok 2-Upper Camp Three Proper, Lower Camp Three proper, Ampasit and Riverside; Purok 3-Antamok Sur, Antamok Norte and Mangga; Purok 4-Colocol, Agpay, Balayan, Kimmabab and Katkatbal; Purok5-Torre, Camaet, Alang, Alapang, Aguing, Clifton, Mansumang, Loakan, Kayapas; Puroks from Philex Mines-Upper Camp 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, Market Area A,B Sunnyside, Gasoline Area, Lower Brookside, Greenhills, Bontoc Village, Benguet Village, Kiangan Village, Upper Main Camp, Lower Main Camp, Proper Main Camp, Phoenix Subdivision, Capitol, Heliport, Western Saddle, Central Saddle A,B and C, Middle East, Eastern Saddle A and B. Philex Mines is the center of offices since it is where schools, churches, hospital, recreational facilities and fire station are situated. Barangay Camp Three made its name not only in the country but the whole world when it was chosen as one of the 50 Model Communities entire the world by the Friends of the United Nations, We the People: 50 Communities Award during the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations last September 24, 1995 at New York, USA. It is also one of the consistent national awardees in the implementation of the Katarungang Pambarangay program last December 17, 1997, at the Quirino Grandstand, Rizal Park. Barangay Camp Three was adjudged Hall of Farmer for being the Most Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa in the Philippines for three (3) consecutive years, 1995, 1996 and 1997.
There are two (2) Public Elementary Schools and one (1) Private High School which is presently operating in the Barangay. The private schools operated by Philex Mining Corp. cater the dependents of their employees. There are two (2) big Cooperatives in Philex Mines, the PECCO and PMCCI. Philex Mining Corporation at Padcal is locally dubbed “a little city on top of the mountain”.
Agriculture is a main source of income in outlying sitios while mining is the main source of income at Philex Mines. Barangay Camp 3 was also a recipient of the Kabalikat sa Kabuhayan Program, a partnership with SM Baguio.