Municipality of Tuba

  Poblacion, Tuba, Benguet 2603
  (074) 447 0064

Philippine Standard Time:


Tabaan Sur was created as a Barrio from the mother barrio of Tabaan upon the approval of Resolution No. 88, dated August 29, 1969 of the Municipal Council of Tuba, Benguet favorably recommending the petition dated June22, 1969 of the majority of the registered voters of sitios Indaoac, Lettac, Langis, Cabugao,Danasan, Ca-ay, Keyte, Anneb, Bolitao, Cubao, Samon, Dantag, Baco, Gorac, Lekis, Pasilay, Bunagan, Pedaoan,Canomay, Payew, Bodakow, Ablao, Gusaran, Keddas, No-ngol, Andolor, Bayayeng, Bato, Daynes, Londog, Dinagbo, Olingag, Kiwet and Dagtan, all of Barrio Tabaan, Tuba Benguet, that these sitios be organized and composed as an independent political subdivision to be called the Barrio of Tabaan Sur.

It is bounded on the North by Tabaan Norte & Poblacion; on the east by Barangay Twin Peaks; on the west by the Municipality of Pugo, La Union; and on the South by Barangay Camp One. It can be reached via Kennon Road. The center of the barangay is at Indaoac and is about or approximately 5 kilometers passing through the Presidential Bridge at Twin Peaks and about 8 kilometers passing through the Kennon National Toll Gate. It has 291 households with a total population of 1,264 based on 2010 census of population. Most of the inhabitants speak “ibaloi”. Majority of the households are engaged in crop farming. Among others, major crops in the area are sweet potatoes, gabi, beans, peas and palay. The Palay produce is for home consumption only, while vegetables and other fruit crops are sold to the nearest market. Backyard Poultry and livestock raising is common in the community but mostly for home consumption.

Traditional system and practices such as “Cañao, Adoyon, Gamal, Kalon and Tongtong” are still being practiced. In resolving conflicts, the council of elders is still recognized and influential in matters regarding community affairs.

Barangay Tabaan Sur has a total land area of 4,620.18 hectares and presently composed of 56 sitios and divided into (7) zones. The terrain of the barangay is 60% mountainous, 32% hilly and 8% plain. The barangay is blessed with several natural resources such as rivers which can produce 7-10 megawatts of electricity if fully developed; forests and rich agricultural land suited nearly to all kinds of crops.

The barangay has an old Silver Bell, considered as one of the historical remnants in the area. It is believed that it was brought by the Spaniards in 1816 in their attempt to Christianize the Ibalois. A Bridal Falls, a waterfall with a tale is also found in the area. It is believed that a bride’s veil left in the rocks in her hurry to run away in the defiance to her parent’s will to marry a man she did not love. It is also called the gateway to the South since it is where the welcome arc of the province is located.


man made tunnel 1 Bridal Veil Falls.jpg