Municipality of Tuba

  Poblacion, Tuba, Benguet 2603
  (074) 447 0064

Philippine Standard Time:

UPDATE ON COVID-19 As of 12PM l August 4, 2020

As of today, Tuba has recorded 9 confirmed cases, with 6 0n-going quarantine and 3 recovered. Patient 003 of Camp 3 Proper have already recovered.
To minimize the spread of COVID-19, we urge all the residents of Tuba to:
• Maintain at least 1 meter of physical distance in public settings and when around individuals outside of the household
• Wear masks or face coverings, which should cover both the nose and mouth, in public settings and when around individuals outside of the household
• Wash and/or sanitize hands frequently
• Stay home if you are symptomatic, have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19, or have pending COVID-19 lab results.
Image may contain: text that says 'MUNICIPALITY TUBA COVID-19 UPDATE AUGUST 4, 2020 (12:00 PM) TADIANGAN PASCUAL Possible Case: 928 TALOYRTE 832 POSITIVE NEGATIVE PENDING NOTSWABBED 558 A TABAANNORTE Suspect Case: 79 On-goingQuarantine POSITIVE NEGATIVE PENDING NOTSWABBED WNEAS CAMP3 Probable Case: On-goingQuarantine Municipal POSITIVE NEGATIVE PENDING Hospital, Camp3 Emergency Operations Source Confirmed Case: On-going Quarantine Recovered Municipal Health Office Barangay Emergency Map: Expanded Testing NEGATIVE: 748 PENDING: CONFIRMED: total 753 e)ad/or(1 oe'